
Quality assurance, it’s not only a simple word. Quality assurance helps companies meet their client requirements and expectations. QA focuses on improving the process to deliver quality products and services to the customers.


Higher the Quality, better the levels of trust you build with your customers. In return, your position becomes better in the market. When quality assurance is done right, it would provide your brand a level of confidence and better quality products in your hands that you or your clients won’t face any issue marketing in the future and most importantly, user experience reaches to another level. 


Quality Assurance has defined cycles to make the process better. These are not solid pre-defined stages but in ideal scenarios, you can follow it and can improve them based on your need and project. The stages of the cycle are:

  • Planning – Organization should plan and establish the process related objectives and determine the processes. They are required to deliver a high-Quality product.
  • Do – Development and testing part in the process
  • Check – Monitoring and modifying the processes. Do check if it meets the defined objectives or not
  • Action – Implementation of the actions involved in the process


What is a bug life cycle?

The bug life cycle is the set of levels a bug goes through in its life before getting solved from the Development team. The intent of the bug life cycle is to easily track the bug state while getting assigned and making the bug fixes in the whole process until it gets signed off and reflect on a particular environment.

The different stages of a bug as follows:

  1. New bug
  2. Open bug
  3. Assign
  4. Test
  5. Verified
  6. Deferred
  7. Reopened
  8. Duplicate
  9. Rejected and
  10. Closed 


bug life cycle chart


New bug: When a tester finds a fresh bug and lists it, it gets the status NEW. That bug is still not approved till the PM approves it.

Open bug: After the tester has posted the bug, the lead person of the testing team approves the bug. If the bug is genuine, it is marked “OPEN”.

Assign: Once the lead approves the state as “OPEN”, the bug gets assigned to the development team. The state is now updated to “ASSIGN”

Test: As the development team fixes the bug, the bug again gets assigned to the testing team again to goo for the next phase. Before going live, the bug gests listed as “TEST” state.

Deferred: The “DEFERRED” bug gets scheduled for the next development cycle of the project instead of solving it as soon as possible.

Rejected: If the lead tester disapproves the bug, the bug gets marked as “REJECTED”.

Duplicate: The repeated bug falls under the “DUPLICATE” category. Two bugs with the same error or concept are put in this.

Verified: When the lead tester approves that the defect was fixed properly without any issues, it goes in “VERIFIED”.

Reopened: When the developer team hands over the bug update, but the bug is not fixed. In that case, the lead tester submits the bug again for development, it falls under “REOPEN” category.

Closed: After all the process of finding and assigning the bug to the development team, when the issue gets resolved completely, it is marked as “CLOSED”.


Other than that, bug severity and bug priority also play a significant role in the Quality Assurance side.

Bug Severity is how much damage the bug is making; where Bug Priority is the level of importance of fixing the bug.

For example, 

High priority, Low Severity bug is something where you see mistakes in the content of the home page for the company. Priority to fix the bug is high, severity to make a difference is low.

High Severity, Low Priority bug is when a page is not found on the site after a user clicks.

Low Priority, Low Severity bug is when there are alignment issues in the paragraph and elements.

High Priority, High Severity bug is a bug where even the basic functionality of the application is not working!


There are certain software and tools available in the market to track the entire life-cycle of the bug. Here is why you should use such tools in your Quality Assurance process.

  • Issue Tracking
  • Custom Bug Reports
  • Requirements Planning
  • Dashboard Metrics
  • Individual and Group Progress Tracking
  • 3rd Party Integrations

You can manage and observe these reports for your future improvements, track down the gaps and skill measurements. It will help you to avoid future delays and will help an individual’s knowledge improvement better picture. You can use tools like GTMatrix, JIRA, BugZilla etc. 


So, Here is the basic bug life cycle details and quality perspective which one should make sure to follow within their organisation. Start with basic but make sure to focus on it from the very beginning. The quality-focused organisation runs for the long run and it helps both client and team to improve at their level. Just like, Adrixus follows the above process even being a startup and with the help of tools, process and continuous improvement they are able to deliver better to clients. Let’s connect if you are looking for high-quality development and overall great team experience. 

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